Calculate the percentage increase between an initial and final value. Update any field to see the automatic recalculation.


0 is a 0.00% increase from 0.

Percentage increase is a way to express how much a value has grown compared to its original amount. It is commonly used in finance, business, economics, and everyday scenarios to analyze changes in numbers over time.

How to Calculate Percentage Increase?

To determine the percentage increase between two values, use the formula:

Percentage Increase = [(Final Value - Initial Value) / Initial Value] × 100 

For example, if a product's price increased from $50 to $75:

  • Initial Value = $50
  • Final Value = $75
  • Percentage Increase = [(75 - 50) / 50] × 100 = 50%

Why Use a Percentage Increase Calculator?

Manually calculating percentage increases can be time-consuming and prone to errors, especially when dealing with large numbers. Our Percentage Increase Calculator allows you to input values and instantly get accurate results.

Common Uses of Percentage Increase

The percentage increase formula is widely used across multiple industries:

  • Finance: Measuring stock price growth, investment returns, and interest rate hikes.
  • Business: Tracking revenue growth, sales improvements, and profit margins.
  • Health & Fitness: Calculating weight gain or muscle mass increase over time.
  • Education: Analyzing grade improvements or school enrollment growth.
  • Real Estate: Evaluating property value appreciation in a housing market.

Real-Life Examples of Percentage Increase

1. Salary Growth Example

If an employee earns $40,000 annually and receives a 10% salary increase:

  • Initial Salary: $40,000
  • Percentage Increase: 10%
  • New Salary: $40,000 + (10% of $40,000) = $44,000

2. Stock Market Growth Example

Suppose a stock was valued at $100 per share and increased to $120:

  • Initial Price: $100
  • Final Price: $120
  • Percentage Increase: [(120 - 100) / 100] × 100 = 20%

3. Business Revenue Growth Example

A company generated $500,000 in revenue last year and $750,000 this year:

  • Initial Revenue: $500,000
  • Final Revenue: $750,000
  • Percentage Increase: [(750,000 - 500,000) / 500,000] × 100 = 50%

How to Use Our Percentage Increase Calculator?

  1. Enter the initial value (starting amount).
  2. Enter the final value (new amount after increase).
  3. Or, enter the percentage increase directly to calculate the final value.
  4. The result updates instantly, showing the percentage growth.

Percentage Increase vs. Percentage Decrease

Percentage increase occurs when a value rises, whereas percentage decrease happens when a value drops. The percentage decrease formula is:

Percentage Decrease = [(Initial Value - Final Value) / Initial Value] × 100 

FAQs - Percentage Increase Calculator

1. Can percentage increase be more than 100%?

Yes. If a value doubles, the percentage increase is 100%. If it triples, the increase is 200%.

2. How is percentage increase different from absolute increase?

Absolute increase is the difference between two values, while percentage increase shows the relative growth.

3. Can this calculator handle decimal values?

Yes! You can enter decimal numbers for precise calculations.

4. Is there a limit on input values?

No, our calculator can handle any large or small values.

Use our Percentage Increase Calculator to simplify calculations and make better financial decisions today!